Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Motivation (Thinking)

If flowers know how to blossom,
Raindrops know where to fall
Why is it that one doesn’t realize
With every step your soul grows tall

It’s in the mind that we start to think,
It helps to grow and not to shrink
When every person has a thought of his own,
Then why is it that it’s not shown

You show the world what you possess
It’s on them, how to assess
The world will bow n it’s for sure
and if they don’t then it’s for their own

The world is harsh as it has to be
What you do is maybe destiny
Blaming on luck is a fool’s desire
Never ever blow the burning fire

It’s not easy n that I can say
Better not be late or you’ll have to pay.



Unknown said...

that's some motivation for us all...the purpose should be served after all by the literary piece ...and that's what it does.successfully.good work, netaji.

Unknown said...

"Kudi koh kar buland itna,
Kudda bhi tujh seh Pucche
Bata Teri Razza Kya hai??"

Though this old saying by our fore fathers does make us stand up and face the mistral which we face in our normal day to day life. We should keep in mind that the outside world is tough and there you can either live or Survive. So better make ur choice....... I hope its to Live.

Unknown said...

well said neta ji...keep the good work